This project for BC cancer came with a tight deadline and therefore there were many time constraints that we were put under. In order to meet our goals, my team and I had to work together to create meaningful sprints of work while working in an agile environment. This project taught me how to be more organized with projects and to streamline my workflow in order to be more impactful as a developer
Working on a full stack story feature taught me how to visualize the data flow from the front end to the back end. I also solidified my understanding of suing certain libraries to make my life easier, For example Recat hook forms, recharts and react calandar allowed me to implement an easy to use interace for the user to filter through tickets
During this project, I solidified my understanding of React, Redux and Saga. Having more experience with these libraries allowed me to integrate them into components seamlessly and this then allowed me to share state across component. This made each component updateable and interactive for the user who can see the screen updating instantly when they make an action.
During the course of develop[ment, the project underwent many stages of the user research and development cycles. First, user research was done for the scope and the requirements of the project. We wanted to get a good idea of what the lab needed and the probelms tht they were trying to solve. Secondly, we had a meeting with the stakeholders once we had something of a rough product for them to try and give feedback. Here we rrally wanted to know if we were heading in the right direction for the project. Lastly, we had regular meetings to reiterate and to polish our application to ensure thatt there were not any bugs. The stakeholders were suing the application end to end like a Beta and they provided feedback on any bugs that they found. Overall this process ensured that we delivered a custimer first product that kept the stakeholders involed through all of the stages